Visitors information
At John Fawkner Private Hospital we understand that the presence of patient’s friends, families and loved ones is important for their recovery.Please read through all of the information below, to ensure you understand our hospitals policies before you arrive.
COVID-19 Visitor Update
[Last updated 21 March 2023]
As always, the protection of our patients and staff is our highest priority.
Patients can have up to two fully vaccinated visitors at a time between 2pm and 8pm
Visitors may visit the hospital to see patients if they are:
- Fully vaccinated
- The guardian of a minor
- Providing support that is necessary for the patient’s emotional or physical wellbeing
- Providing interpreter or informal language support
- Learning to support care upon discharge
- The carer of a patient with a disability
Visitors are not to visit a hospital to see patients if they:
- Have tested positive to COVID-19 within the last 10 days, or
- Have had contact with someone who has COVID-19 in the previous 7 days
- Have COVID-19 symptoms, or
- Are waiting for a COVID-19 test result, or
- Have arrived from an international location within the last 7 days
Patients under transmission precautions for COVID or suspected COVID will be only allowed visitors under special consideration.
Please speak with the nurse in charge to request compassionate exemptions to these visitor restrictions.
Public Parking is available and is accessible via the east side of the hospital off Moreland Road. This is a 24 hour Paid Parking Car Park. Street parking is available around hospital (mostly unrestricted).
Buses run along Moreland Road and stop adjacent to the hospital.
The Moreland train station, on the Upfield line, is a short walk from the hospital.
The Sydney Road tram stops at the Moreland Road intersection which is also a short walk from the hospital.
Alcohol Policy
Visitors or patients are not permitted to bring alcohol into the hospital. Alcohol can have significant adverse effects when combined with medications.
During your stay you will be offered a range of carefully prepared and nutritionally balanced meals to select from.
Your menu will be presented to you daily so you may choose your meals in advance.
The menu has a wide range of choices and if you require assistance with your selection the Food Services Monitor will be pleased to assist you. This includes where you have specific dietary requirements such as low salt, diabetic, Halal, etc.
A ‘specials menu’ is available for our oncology patients, our menu monitor will be able to assist you with your choice.
Our dietitian is also available to assist you with special dietary needs.
Wine and light ale are available to be enjoyed with your evening meal upon request and subject to your doctor’s prior approval.
Meals for relatives or visitors are available for a fee which is charged to your hospital account (no charge to parents of paediatric patients).
John Fawkner Private Hospital is committed to providing a safe, healthy environment for patients, visitors, doctors and staff.
John Fawkner Private Hospital is a smoke free hospital which means that smoking is not permitted in any building or outdoor area within the boundaries of the hospital campus and there will be no areas designated for smoking.
It is expected that all patients, visitors, staff, contractors and tenants respect and comply with John Fawkner Private Hospital’s smoke free policy by not smoking while on the premises.
Patients can be contacted by calling the main hospital phone number on 03 9385 2500 and stating the patient’s name.
All telephones in the hospital have an ‘in-dial’ facility so that callers can dial in to the patient’s phone directly without having to go through the hospital's busy switchboard
We ask that mobile phones are switched off while in the hospital as they interfere with medical equipment.