Day surgery
Our Day Surgery Unit is a new purpose built facility, located on Level 1 of the Hospital. It is open from 6.30am until 8.00pm daily. The Day of Surgery Admissions Unit (DoSA) and Endoscopy suite are all contained within the Day Surgery Unit.
- 15 bays unit - 8 bed unit & 7 recliners with a comfortable lounge area and separate admission process
- Staffed with a dedicated team of specialist and perioperative healthcare professionals
Day of Surgery Admission (DOSA) Enquiries: 03 9385 2100
Please have a shower prior to coming to hospital.
Remove any nail polish and leave your jewellery at home.
Please remember to bring with you your health fund cards, Medicare card and concession cards, any doctor's letters or notes, and any relevant x-rays.
Please wear loose, comfortable clothing and bring a magazine or book with you.
Unless otherwise instructed by your doctor, do not have anything to eat or drink from midnight if your surgery is in the morning, or from 7.00am if your surgery is in the afternoon.
This includes sweets, chewing gum and water.
Please bring all medications with you on admission.
Patients should check with their anaesthetist/treating specialist before taking any medications on the day of your admission.
Nursing staff following your procedure will closely monitor you.
Once recovered you will be offered some light refreshments and prepared for your return home.
You are usually ready to go home two to four hours after you wake up.
A nurse will provide written instructions and discuss these with both you and your carer prior to leaving the Day Surgery Unit.
Your doctor will provide specific information about your treatment at your preoperative consultation.
Our primary objective during your stay is to provide safe, high quality patient centred nursing care, based on strong commitment to excellent clinical practice, education, innovation and teamwork.
If you have further concerns after your return home, please feel free to contact us on 03 9385 2706.